We use a form to request removal of content. Each content removal request form is evaluated by our team within a maximum of 2 business days.
pornwhats.com has no control and is not responsible for any content and conversations that take place within the WhatsApp groups listed on the site.
pornwhats.com does not tolerate, under any circumstances any group that references or has content related to child pornography, zoophilia, scams, gambling, fake notes, spread of hate, racism, prejudice, homophobia, xenophobia and discrimination.
pornwhats.com we do not accept any type of group with illegal content. If the group is approved according to our Group Policies and after that, the group changes its content style, the group can be sent to our Content Removal system to be re-evaluated or submitted. Remembering that we have no control over the content and how the conversations take place within the groups, as this is the responsibility of the people who are in the group and the WhatsApp messaging application.
We will take into account any complaints made using the form.
To learn more, read our Group Policies.
When filling out the form you need to provide us with the link to the page of the group you want to report. It is important that the page link is from a page on the site pornwhats.com so that we can evaluate and remove the group.
In this page the subject is automatically filled.
When filling out the form you need to write a message with as much detail as possible so that your request to remove content is more effective. You can also place the group link in the message, so that the group is more easily located.
If you want to contact our team, visit the contact page.